Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ok Girls. I'm serious.

#1 Stop wearing your friggin at home undies as an outfit. I went to Dusk Til Dawn in Sierra Vista this weekend. It was so great. The customers were amazing, mostly Army men, and the girls were just as great. However, I saw at least four girls wearing Target underwear (I know because I own them) as an outfit. Seriously. Buy an outfit.

#2 Please, don't get so damn drunk you have to crawl/pull yourself across the stage. Honey, after three shots you are no longer sexy. You are that thing you see in the mirror when you sober up. That messy ass hair, smeared make up and reeking of booze and smoke. Gross.

Well, I guess this is just a side note. I am rarely at Curve's anymore. I'm tired of that place. I am at Sierra Vista nearly every week now. It is an amazing place. I no longer have to watch anyone breast feeding on the floor. Disgusting customer clawing at the 19 year old girl on stage. And what a pathetic site to see. Even more so, when the owner of a bar tells you 'that's how it is everywhere' or 'if you want to make money, this is what you have to put up with' and my MOST favorite 'this is the best bar here, you won't make money anywhere else'. All of these things are total bullshit. Girls you can find work anywhere.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Amy i think you summed it up in a few paragraphs ..but we all know that's not nearly the half of it...I honestly feel if everyone follows the rules of being an exotic dancer and not a prostitute, everyone would be able to make decent money.Leaving the club with customers and having sex with them doesn't encourage them to back into the club to give you money and that's what a lot of girls don't understand...I recently found out that theres is better places out there to work than most of the places here in AZ. A lot of these club owners are like pimps they don't give a damn about you all they want is there tip out and house fee..They don't want you to get an education or succeed in life .." For what , Your so beautiful" right? Wrong looks go away just like customers and if you don't use the money to get a good education and make yourself a productive person in society. you will be nothing but another broke down ass stripper that can barely walk with no education. So ladies if anything take all those thousands of dollars your making and get yourself the best gift you could ever get yourself..not BOOBS.. an education..and later a good job.
